The Largest Producer of Cloves

 Tanzania is home to the largest producer of cloves located on the island of Pemba in Tanzania. Clove is widely used to enhance and increase the spice and flavor of dishes. Also known as the Spice Island, it provides us with the spices we all use today, such as cinnamon, black pepper and nutmeg.

The hand-picked cloves are mainly picked in the months when a lot of rain is expected. They are usually picked by the lower branch first and carefully shook loose. When it comes time to start harvest season, it can be very difficult for whomever is retrieving the cloves from the trees.

Clove is a very important ingredient in many people's daily lives. Cloves are not only used for flavoring, but also for medical and sanitary purposes. You can use cloves to help protect food and crops from rodents. You could use cloves to help with any digestion problems that you or a family member might be having. It can put a stop to unwanted constipation and get rid of any traces of parasites in the stomach.

You may be wondering what exactly are cloves and I am here to answer your questions. Cloves are mainly just flower buds that are dried up before they are ready to be picked. The cloves forest was first uncovered in Indonesia. Now, they are used all over the world without us even knowing it. For example, in our favorite desserts, meats, and dressings.


1.In pictures: Zanzibar's clove harvest - BBC News

2. Food Facts & Trivia: Cloves (

3. Clove tree Facts (


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