Union Day- A Tanzania Celebration !!
Union Day is a special holiday held on April 26th in Tanzania. This date is the merging of Zanzibar and Tanganyika. On April 26th, 1964, Zanzibar was renamed The United Republic of Tanzania. On this day, a hostess of parades and speeches takes place in the city of Dar es Salaam. This was the first time that two countries were being brought together in Africa. A lot of politicians and organizations participate in this holiday marching along the streets of the capitol. People from all around the world travel to Tanzania to get in on the action. It is said that at least 70 different countries were present on the day of the celebration. As you can see in the video, many people from around the country are present with their instruments celebrating the countries coming together as one. In the 1800's Germany controlled much of Tanzania. Until the British was able to gain the African continent after Germany lost to Britain in the second World War. As of today, this holiday is still ...